Përshkrim i shkurtër

BONEVET Labs do t’i ndihmojë të rinjtë të fitojnë aftësi teknologjike duke mësuar për riciklimin e plastikës dhe mbrojtjen e mjedisit.


by Buna Perteshani

  •  5'000.00

    Caku i financimit
  •  3'486.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Date

    Metoda e fushatës
Raised Percent :
This campaign has ended
Hilë Mosi N.11, Prishtina

Buna Perteshani

1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio


BONEVET Labs do t’i ndihmojë të rinjtë të fitojnë aftësi teknologjike duke mësuar për riciklimin e plastikës dhe mbrojtjen e mjedisit.

BONEVET Labs është i strukturuar për të ofruar rezultate afatgjata dhe të qëndrueshme për ndërgjegjësimin e të rinjve për mbrojtjen e mjedisit dhe reduktimin e përdorimit të plastikës. Kjo do të arrihet përmes integrimit të komponentit të të nxënit të bazuar në projekt dhe inkurajimit të aktiviteteve praktike përgjatë punëtorive të planifikuara. This will be achieved through the integration of the Project-Based-Learning component and the encouragement of hands-on activities throughout the planned workshops.


Kush jemi ne?

BONEVET Prishtina in collaboration with Driant Zeneli (Albanian Artist), are working together in an exciting project called “The Animals. Once Upon a Time… in a present time”. This project will be displayed in Manifesta Biennial, one of the most famous biennials in Europe. The idea behind this collaboration is to portray the ostrich (non-flying bird) as an environmental advocate, who will re-purpose wasted plastic into useful objects and tools. The ostrich itself will be constructed by BONEVET, whereas additional features like tail and neck movement, will be added.

BONEVET will recycle plastic waste throughout the exhibition, by using a shredder, filament extruder, and 4 x 3D printers.Youngsters who will participate in this lab during the biennial’s operating hours, will be trained on how to use a 3D printer, designing software, and will be encouraged to minimize their plastic consumption on daily basis.

These workshops will be held in a safe environment, in the biennale area. Activities that will be conducted will include: round table discussions, DIY projects, 3D designing, and 3D printing. This area will also be used to show films and documentaries which are relevant to global warming and climate change.


What is our goal?

Through this project, more than 150 youngsters across the country will have the chance to work with 3D printers, 3D designing software and learn about recycling in practice. Project-Based Learning has proven to have a high return of investments in the community. Therefore, we believe that this project will be a huge boost for the environment sector here in Kosovo.


How will your support help?

With your help we will be able to purchase the needed materials, to technically prepare the space for the recycling process. We will purchase a protocycler which will turn the shredded plastic into a filament, which can later be used in 3D printers. In addition to this, other electronic equipment will be purchased to functionalize the installations and art pieces. For more information about Manifesta, read here: www.manifesta14.org



1) Protocycler plus grindless € 3,635.00
2) Transparent Plexi 8 mm 205×305 cm € 270.00
3) Metal Frame and Plates € 200.00
4) Servo Motors + Electronics Equipment € 280.00
5) Taxes + Fees € 115.00
6) 10% Creditcard-, banktransfer- and KOSOVA ideas Platform Fees € 500.00
Total € 5,000.00
Name Date Comments
Anonymous May 24, 2023 - - -
Anonymous May 24, 2023 Test
Visar Jasiqi July 22, 2022 Keep up the great work
Andreas Wormser July 22, 2022 great campaign
A Basel Foundation July 22, 2022 great campaign
IPKO Foundation July 22, 2022 great campaign
Lekë Zherka July 22, 2022 BONEVET&Manifesta
Dorothea Fankhauser July 22, 2022 Very actual necessary Project
Vllaznim Xhiha July 22, 2022 great campaign
Stina Zagragja July 22, 2022 great campaign
Georg Fankhauser July 22, 2022 great campaign
Jehona Gjurgjeala July 22, 2022 Keep up the good work!
DYVÓ LAB July 22, 2022 Great initiative, we need young people to be tackling plastic pollution in the world - especially in Kosova. Looking forward to future collaborations! Good luck, DYVÓ team
Vllaznim Xhiha July 22, 2022 Congratulations for this unique campaign which reflects interplay between technology and art by students of BONEVET at the famous biennale MANIFESTA, which, with pride is hosted this year in our capital Prishtina.
Hera Zherka July 22, 2022 Good job :)
Artan Sulhasi June 22, 2022 great campaign
Diell Shasivari July 20, 2022 great campaign