Follow the steps on "How to start a campaign" listed below on this page, and when ready click the button below.
Video for starters
Running a project has never been easier.
How to start
I have a project and consider looking for funds through KOSOVA ideas. What should I do? These are the steps to do:
Visit www.kosovaideas.com.
For this, you do not have log in, it is free and with no commitment. Get familiar with the platform and if interested have a close look also at the ABOUT US, Terms of Use, Our rules, How it works etc.
Become a Backer
If you want to know the good feeling of a backer, check it out. Detect and select projects of others and become a backer. Even with a very small amount you can find out how much fun and how easy it is to become a baker and be part the community.
Submit a project
If you want to submit your project, you have to register and upload the requested information about you, (your team and/or organization) and your project (text, fotos, video clip) following the instructions of the registration process. (See more details how to prepare your registration below). Once submitted, the project will be either published and your 45 days campaign starts within a few days. Or KOSOVA ideas may come back with some questions or suggestions to make your proposition more clear or its presentation more attractive before making it visible to the public and start the campaign.
Finish a successful campaign
Latest ten days after your successful campaign ended you get your 90% of the amount raised (10% are used for transfer and bank fees and to run and promote the platform).
Become visible as a successful campaign
Successful projects will stay visible in our archive and you and your bakers are free to exchange any question and news about the implementation of your project. In our blog and newsletters we will inform our users on outstanding project stories and other news regarding our platform.
Before you start your online registration make sure you have the following items ready to upload:
- A scan of your ID with name, date of birth and foto as PDF.
- A scan of full details regarding the bank account on which KOSOVA ideas should transfer the amounts raised.
- Amount in Euro of your financing goal.
- Project and Campaign title, in at least 3 of 4 languages (Albanian, English and German as a must and French or Serbian as an additional option).
- Select from the list (link to the categories) presented by KOSOVA ideas at least one and maximum three categories your project is related to.
- Project description, maximum … characters, in at least 3 of 4 languages (Albanian, English and German as a must and French or Serbian as an additional option).
- Portait fotos of you and your team member. Your images must be no more than 150 pixels X 150 pixels and must be under 1 MB in size.
- Names and short profile of team members (and their email address, not visible)
- Pictures illustrating your project. No text inside the pictures. Images must be no more than 1200 X 1200px, in JPEG, PNG, or GIF format, and under 2MB in size. Images smaller than 730 X 550 will be scaled up to fit. For best results, start with a large image that already has approximately a 4:3 aspect ratio. Once the photo file has been uploaded, you will then proceed crop and resize the photo.
- Your short video clip, max. 2 min. recommended.
YouTube or Vimeo Embed Snippet
After uploading your video to YouTube or Vimeo, you need a little more than just the link to the video. To get the full embed snippet you need, simply bring up your video in your web browser and press the share button for the video. Then, under « Embed », select and copy the full embed snippet that looks like a short few lines of code and paste it in the box below. If you are so inclined, the ideal width is 530 pixels. Please only include the iframe portion of the snippet. Any additional content will be removed.
Twitter Name
@ ____________________ (Note: Only Twitter accounts with public tweets should be used. If your feed is protected to only your followers, the feed will not display correctly on your page)
Campaign location
Enter your Campaign location to be shown on the Map. You can enter a full street address or just the city and postal code in Kosovo.
Email Message
When someone donates to your Campaign, they receive an email receipt. If you would like to include a personal message to be attached to the end of the email, please enter it below.
NOTE: Since this will be added into the existing email, do not include openings (Dear so and so) or closings (sincerely).